Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, March 22, 2024
Prayer to the Little Shepherds of Fatima Jacinta and Francisco
Prayer given to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on January 23, 2024

Holy Shepherd children of Fatima, Jacinta and Francisco, hear us. Intercede for us before the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Light and Way, for Her children here below.
Obtain for us graces of healing, deliverance, salvation, purification. Guide us on the Way of Fatima, Way of Heaven and Truth, of obedience and faithfulness to Christ the King and Lord, who returns in Glory.
Holy Shepherds, deliver us from exasperation and the Oppressor. Deliver us from the Iniquitous Satan, the Impious One from the Beginning, the Killer of Souls.
Deliver us from his plots, seductions, illusions, deceptions, temptations; and from our wounds, frailties, bad habits and inner turmoil. Give us peace of heart.
Grant that we obey God alone through Mary, Virgin of FATIMA.
Make us attentive to the Motherly Calls.
Make us attentive to the Call of Heaven.
O Glorious Martyrs of the Faith, Spokesmen of the Immaculate Heart, Loving and Compassionate Shepherds, have mercy on us.
We are sinners, frail, weak, tempted, lost; but we love You and invoke You.
Help us to free ourselves from our infirmity, from our inner leprosy.
Help us You from Heaven, assist us always.
Help us to trust in God Infinite Love and Mercy. We desire to uproot thorns to Sacred Hearts by praying, fasting and repairing.
Praise, honor and glory to You, Little Shepherds of Fatima, Martyrs of the True Faith and Protectors of the Little Flock, True Church, together with St. Michael and St. Joan of Arc.
Make us understand that it is MARY the True Church, the Salvific Ark, the Representative and Guide of the Elect with St. John the Evangelist. Amen.